
作者: 时间:2015-10-09 点击数:

[尼泊尔] 桑杰亚·伽居拉尔  张树彬译

我们从人类社会过去的进化过程以及当下在我们眼前发生的大量事件所收集的信息发现,有明确的迹象表明人类的大脑依然在进化之中,而且要培养尊重他人存在的良心也还有漫长的路要走。我们已经从动物进化了很久,但是仍然没有真正进化成一个真正的“人” 。然而,幸运的是,我们常常会被赐予像爱因斯坦和马克思那样的杰出人物以及其他先贤,成为我们的北斗星,指引我们达到最终目的:成为开化的人。马克思将社会主义国家设想为必然会实现的国家形态。然而我们大部分人都被我们在现在情况下实现这一国家形态所需的道德良知的进化缓慢而阻碍。如果强迫实现这一国家形态,将会事与愿违,产生阻碍其实现而不是促进其实现的后果。

如果不考虑现存的社会经济特点,将列宁主义和毛泽东主义作为饼干模型切割刀,将社会主义的核心价值观强加于社会,将会对社会害多利少,造成巨大的生命损失和基础设施破坏。这已经被秘鲁的“光辉道路”(Shining Path of Peru)和马来西亚、印度尼西亚、缅甸、泰国、印度等国的共产党等激进的革命政党的失败所证明。尽管尼泊尔共产党(毛主义)过去追寻与秘鲁“光辉道路”相似的道路,在开展十年多的人民战争后,现在也从激进主义转变为包含尼泊尔人的观点和特点的、善于讲求策略的政府。该党从邻国的中国共产党领悟到,共产党领袖必须使人民理解其制度。中国这个发展中国家正在震撼世界,以其榜样性的所作所为,通过社会主义市场经济把自己建设成为世界第二最强大经济体。

中国依然被诸如“独生子女政策”之类的人权问题所累。中国为独生子女政策辩护,称是了为减轻人口过剩造成的问题的严重性,而大多数中国人也似乎支持这个政策。至于西藏问题,中国宣称拥有西藏主权已经700多年了,并且希望得到其他国家支持。值得注意的是,西方人对印度只是在30年前的1975年吞并锡金未提出任何质疑,却一马当先地提出中国的西藏问题。锡金原本是一个独立的君主国,后来通过公民投票成为印度的一个邦。这显然是破坏中国稳定的阴险计划, 因为中国现在被公认为是世界上最大的社会福利国家,被西方视为对其垄断地位的重大威胁。尽管如此,西藏的违反人权现象还是应该适当地加以重新评估,把犯罪者绳之以法。



意识到尼泊尔是个内陆国夹在中国和印度这两个亚洲大国之间的地理位置,马亨德拉国王率领代表团参加1961年在贝尔格莱德举行的第一次不结盟运动会议(Non-Aligned Movement ,NAM)。他作为会议的共同主席致辞,表示要保卫尼泊尔的完整和国家主权,这不仅激怒了印度,而且也冲击了他们的自尊心。他还签署了一系列协议,其中包括把中国和加德满都连接在一起的阿尼哥公路, 不仅对印度造成军事威胁,而且也使印度政府对其在尼泊尔的垄断优势地位可能遭到破坏而感到不安。为平息印度的批评,马亨德拉说“共产主义不会坐着出租汽车过来的”(“Communism does not come by a taxi cab”)。显而易见,鉴于尼泊尔联邦共和国所有的那些自命不凡的民主的和革命的领导人惰于保护其祖国的国家独立,封建君主马亨德拉在捍卫国家独立上独占鳌头。

回顾中国和尼泊尔的关系,中国向来尊重尼泊尔的主权、独立和领土完整。中国严格坚持互不干涉内政原则,从未干预尼泊尔内部事务。中尼关系可以追溯至七世纪中期,当时就已经互派使者。十三世纪,当时尼泊尔技工熟练、社会高度发达,尼泊尔历史上最伟大的建筑师阿尼哥和其他建筑师一起被派往中国西藏和内地(译注:原文错误把西藏和中国并列,因西藏十三世纪已经正式纳入中国中央政府的直接管辖之下,译文处理为“中国西藏和内地”)建造庙宇、舍利塔、和许多其他建筑。阿尼哥不仅在尼泊尔,而且在中国西藏和内地、蒙古甚至远在印度尼西亚也非常有名(译注:原文错误地把西藏、中国、蒙古并列,译文处理为“中国西藏和内地、蒙古”)。尼泊尔李查维(Licchavi)王朝阿姆苏·瓦尔马(Anshuvarma也译鸳输伐摩)国王的女儿尺尊公主(Bhrikuti)嫁给藏王松赞干布, 有助于把佛教引入西藏。后来,马亨德拉在毛泽东时期访问中国,得到中国对尼泊尔完全支持的保证,中方表示“中国认为对尼泊尔的进攻就是对中国的进攻”。


另一方面,对独立感到自豪的尼泊尔人一直通过消费他们自己工厂生产的产品以维持其运转来表现爱国主义。领导们却贪腐堕落,只要有佣金可拿,他们就不惜变卖。2008年12月3日,中国高官重复了陈毅元帅的话“中国坚决支持尼泊尔维护其主权、独立和领土完整”( 译注:2008年12月3日,尼泊尔总理普拉昌达在加德满都会见了中国外长杨洁篪)同时,中国前外长杨洁篪还对尼泊尔领导人表示关切说“政府的职责应该是倾听人民的呼声和关切”。他还警告尼泊尔政府及其官员要“利用”中国给予的援助“造福”尼泊尔人民。中国还乐见尼泊尔政治稳定,这样中国公司可以开始对更多尼泊尔基础设施和水电进行投资。多丢脸!

与中国在尼泊尔经济和政治中总是发挥保护性作用形成对照,印度通过炫耀权势,明目张胆地对几乎所有尼泊尔社会政治事务咄咄逼人地进行干预。印度政府已经施展最有效的谋略从尼泊尔得到了它所想得到的一切。列举几项,诸如1950年印度—尼泊尔和平友好条约以及涉及水资源的几个条约—马哈卡利条约(Mahakali treaty)、 柯西工程(Kosi project 协议、甘达克河灌溉和电力工程(Gandak Irrigation and power project 和塔纳克普尔协议Tanakpur agreement),以及对尼泊尔国土的侵蚀都是生动的例子。最高法院作为独立机构再三就一些不透明协议向印度不可告人的目的表示某种反抗。这些协议大部分是迫于印度压力或者通过向容易受骗上当的政客提供奖励作为诱饵才得以签署的。

可以证实印度机会主义特征的最新的突出例子就是,在目前长达一年的政治僵局中,印度政府直接指导尼泊尔四大政党—尼泊尔联合共产党(毛主义)、尼泊尔大会党、尼泊尔共产党(联合马列) 和马德西联合民主阵线任命最高法院首席大法官基尔·拉吉·雷格米(Khil Raj Regmi)担任临时政府总理。人们发现印度大使未从外交部获得许可就频繁造访尼泊尔总统。尼泊尔人任命了他们当中最具学者气质、最聪明的巴布拉姆·巴特拉伊博士作为他们的政府首脑—总理,极大期待他克服个人贪婪、打破这种政治变幻莫测的趋势,挺胸傲立。让我们向尼泊尔人决定他们有修养的、有学问的领导人这个值得称赞的行为表示敬意。但是,他在总理任内牵涉进了如此令人发指的行为,灾难性地露出了真面目。另一方面,尼泊尔律师协会(The Bar association of Nepal)向四大政党提出警告,任命首席大法官担任总理相悖于立宪制度、违反临时宪法和分权原则。即使一个普通民众也可以明白印度政府的大阴谋,清除障碍以使足够多的印度人获得尼泊尔公民身份代表尼泊尔议会,最终把尼泊尔变为斐济和锡金(译注:斐济人口44%为印度族人。锡金1975年被印度吞并,成为印度的锡金邦)。

中国十八大报告明确阐明中国作为世界上最大的发展中国家,将致力于建设和平、繁荣的和谐世界。不仅要利用外国资本吸引外国投资,而且要在海外扩大中国公司,增强企业国际化经营能力,培育一批世界水平的跨国公司。最近中国已经处理了非洲领导人关于贸易不平衡的关切。中国还将建立自由贸易区和促进连接其邻国的基础设施建设。中国承诺和平解决国际争端和国际问题,反对任何外国颠覆任何国家合法政权的企图和各种形式的霸权和强权政治。中国决心加强与其他发展中国家的团结与合作,与他们携手努力,支持他们的合法权益,支持他们在国际事务中提高代表权和声音的努力。在这一方面,尼泊尔应该借助于中国的调停,与印度修订所有不平等条约。而且还要让中国知晓内陆国的出海口不应被印度加尔各答港口管理局垄断,应该有所有可能的替代出海路径。尼泊尔政府一直在强烈要求通过东北部的鸡脖形地域,即孟加拉的普尔巴里走廊(Phulbari Corridor)出海,但是印度政府坚决反对。相比之下,中国已经同意扩建阿尼哥公路、开辟包括到达加德满都的铁路在内的更多替代路线。无论如何还应该让中国知晓印度对尼泊尔内部事务的公然干涉。如果中国继续保持隐忍的防御模式,并且对外国侵略者对尼泊尔内部事务的干涉视而不见,它将会为自己招致极大的威胁。因为西藏作为中国的阿喀琉斯之踵一直以来被用以破坏中国的稳定。

作者信息:桑杰亚·伽居拉尔(Sanjaya Gajurel),美国凯斯西储大学(Case Western Reserve University)计算机工程博士,在该大学从事计算机科学工作。



China’s Role in Nepal is Paramount  

Dr. Sanjaya Gajurel

The information that we have gleaned from the silos of events that happened in the past during the evolution of human society as well as the current events occurring in front of our eyes, there is a clear indication that human brain is in the process of evolution. Still, there is a long way to go to develop conscience to value and respect the existence of other human beings. We have come a long way from our animalistic model, but have not yet evolved into a real “human”. We are, however, fortunate that time and again we have been gifted with eminent figures like Einstein, Marx, and others who were well ahead of time and became the North Star to guide us towards the final destination of enlightened humanly state. Marx envisioned the socialist state as an inevitable state. However, majority of us are handicapped by the slow evolution of our conscience to realize that state in the present context. If coerced to achieve that state, there will be consequences that may hinder its progress rather than expediting it.

If the core values of socialism are imposed as a cookie cutter of Leninism and Maoism without considering the existing socio-economic characteristics of the society, it is going to do more harm than good with huge loss of lives and infrastructures as proven from the collapse of radical revolutionary parties like Shining Path of Peru and communist parties of Malaysia, Indonesia, Burma, Thailand, India, and so on. Though the communist party of Nepal (Maoist) was pursuing the similar path led by the Shining Path of Peru, after waging more than ten years of peoples war, it is now resolute in its transition from radicalism to tactical form of government encompassing Nepalis perspectives and characteristics.The party had a great realization from the neighboring Communist Party of China (CPC) that the Communist leaders must act as facilitators to make the system comprehensible to people. The developing country, China, is shaking the whole world through its exemplary work establishing itself as the country of second strongest economy through socialist market economy.

China has still been implicated in human right issues such as “One Child policy”. which it is defending as a measure to reduce the severity of problems due to overpopulation. The majority of Chinese people also seem to support it. Regarding Tibet, China is claiming its sovereignty for more than 700 years and wants other countries to support it. It is to be noted that while the westerners did not raise any question about the annexation of Sikkim to India in 1975 (only three decades back), they are the front-runners in raising Tibet issue. Sikkim was an independent monarchy which later became one of the states of India through plebiscite votes. It is evidently a sinister plan of westerners to destabilize China, which is now recognized as the biggest social welfare state in the world and is looked upon as a great threat to their monopoly. Still, the human right violations in Tibet should be properly re-assessed to bring the perpetrators into justice.

This is the high time for Maoists of Nepal to follow the well tested path of socialism that the Communist Party of China (CPC) has treaded but with the Nepali characteristics. The UCPN (Maoist) of Nepal has recently exhibited some cues in its 7th National convention held on February 2-7, 2013 in Hetauda putting forward theories of Marxism in accordance with Nepalis characteristics.

It is an irrefutable fact that India will work against Nepal’s interest for long because they themselves are going through “inferiority complex” phase, being slave driven and trampled by British under their colonial rule. The wound is still fresh as they have still been clearing piles of mesh since 1947. Instead of blaming India for all those unfair treaties, encroachments, and hegemonic interference in Nepal’s internal affairs, Nepalis themselves should have guts to take the blame. Nepali rulers and leaders were incompetent, always embroiled in power wars and personal interests which gave opportunity to India, before finally being rendered impotent. Unfortunately, though Nepalese are proud to have never been ruled by other countries, they have not yet been able to relish their independence. The rulers and politicians could never realize this strong optimistic “Independence” vibes in Nepalis. It could have been easily harnessed for resource independence instead of extending hands for alms from India and other foreign countries. Among the floundering rulers and leaders in our history, Nepal happened to have fairly better king, Mahendra, who challenged India for Nepal’s rights.

Realizing the topography of Nepal as a landlocked country sandwiched between two giant Asian countries, China and India, Mahendra led the delegation to participate in the first Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) held in Belgrade in 1961. His representation as a co-chairperson to protect Nepal's integrity and national sovereignty not only infuriated India but it served as a brunt in their pride. When he signed the series of deals including opening the link between China and Kathmandu via Araniko Highway, it not only created military threats to India but the Indian government was uneasy about the possible demolishment of its monopoly in Nepal. Mahendra once silenced the Indian critics by saying “Communism does not come by a taxi cab”. It is evident that, whereas all pretentious democratic and revolutionary leaders of Federal Republic of Nepal were lackadaisical in protecting national independence of their motherland, the feudal king Mahendra was on top of it.

Tracking back to the relationship between China and Nepal, China has always respected Nepal’s sovereignty, independence, and territorial integrity. China, who is strictly adhering to the principle of non-interference, has never meddled with the internal affairs of Nepal. The relationship between China and Nepal dates back as early as the mid-7th century with the exchange of emissaries. In the 13th century, when Nepal had skilled manpower and a highly developed society, Arniko, the greatest architect of Nepalis history, along with other architects were sent to Tibet and China for building temples, stupas, and many more structures. Araniko became famous not only in Nepal but also in Tibet, China, Mongolia, and as far as Indonesia. The princess Bhrikuti, the daughter of Licchavi king of Nepal, Anshuvarma, who was married to Shranchangampo, the king of Tibet, was instrumental in introducing Buddhism in Tibet. Later, when Mahendra visited China during Mao Tse Tung’s time, he was assured of absolute support from China with the expression “China feels any attack to Nepal as an attack to China".

Since the establishment of diplomatic ties between Nepal and China in 1955, China has provided financial and technical assistance in many projects which were especially of self-sustaining types. For an example, Hetauda Textile Factory used to consume tons of cotton from Nepali farms and was providing employment to locals. The inept leaders decided to close it down even when it was operating full-fledgedly. The guileful Indian industrialists who wanted to maintain their monopoly in Nepali market were implicated in this effort. The former prime minister, Baburam Bhattarai, who was a finance minister then, made news with his attempt to resuscitate it. However, it appeared as a propaganda of opportunistic Baburam Bhattarai to create a conducive environment to become a prime minister. If the most intelligent person among Nepalis is so vulnerable, you can’t be taken by surprise by venal governments that disgracefully sold many government owned foreign assisted factories to Indians allured by personal enticements. On the other hand, Nepalis who have pride in their independence, have always showed patriotism by consuming products from their own factories to keep them running. The leaders were so depraved that they would not leave any stones that smell commissions unturned. In December 3, 2008, Chinese dignitary repeated the political tone of Marshal Chen Yi saying that “China is right in the back of Nepal in safeguarding its sovereignty, independence, and territorial integrity”. At the same time, Chinese former foreign minister Yang Jiechi also showed concerns about Nepali leaders saying that “the Government’s duty should be to listen to people’s voice and concerns”. He also cautioned Nepali government and its officials to “utilize” the Chinese grant assistance for the “welfare”of the Nepali people. China also wants to see political stability in Nepal before Chinese companies start investing on more infrastructures and hydro-power in Nepal. What a shame!

In contrast to China, who has always played a defensive role in Nepali economy and politics, India has flagrantly and aggressively stuck their noses in almost all socio-political matters of Nepal by flaunting their power. Indian government had played its trump cards to get whatever they wanted from Nepal. The unfair treaties such as the 1950 Indo-Nepal Treaty of Peace and Friendship and the water treaties - Mahakali treaty, agreement on Kosi project, agreement on Gandak Irrigation and power project, and Tanakpur agreement, to name a few, and encroachment on Nepali lands are the vivid examples. As an independent body, Supreme Court has repeatedly showed some resistance towards India’s ulterior motives over several non-transparent agreements, most of them signed under the coercion of India or through incentives as baits to gullible politicians.

The latest obtrusive example that confirms India’s opportunistic nature is the Indian government’s direct guidance to four political parties of Nepal — UCPN (Maoist), Nepali Congress (NC), CPN (UML), and United Democratic Madhesi Front (UDMF), to appoint Chief Justice, Khil Raj Regmi as an interim prime minister during the current year-long political impasse. The Indian ambassador had been frequently seen visiting Nepal’s president without taking permission from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Nepali people had nominated the most savant and intelligent personage among them, Dr. Baburam Bhattarai, as the head of government, prime minister, with great expectation that he would rise above his personal greed and break the trend of political vagaries standing tall. Hats off to Nepalis for this laudable act of determining their accomplished leader. Disastrously, he showed his true colour after he was implicated in such heinous acts under his premiership. The Bar association of Nepal, on the other hand, had warned the four parties that appointing the Chief Justice as the Prime Minister goes against constitutionalism, the Interim Constitution, and the principle of separations of power. Even a general public can understand this grand scheme of Indian government to clear the obstacle in their path so that enough Indians can get Nepali citizenship to represent Nepali parliament in the grand scheme of things to eventually turn Nepal into Fiji and Sikkim.

In the report to the 18th National Congress of China, it has been clearly stated that China, as the largest developing country in the world, will work to build a harmonious world of peace and prosperity. It will not only utilize foreign capitals and attract foreign investments but also expand Chinese companies overseas to enhance their operation in an international environment, and develop number of word-class multinational corporations. It has recently addressed the concerns among African leaders about unequal trade relations with the continent. It will also build free trade areas and promote infrastructure connectivity with its neighboring countries. China exhibits its commitment to peaceful settlement of international disputes and issues. It also opposes any foreign attempt to subvert the legitimate government of any other countries or hegemony and power politics in all forms. China’s determination to increase unity and cooperation with other developing countries, working with them to support their legitimate rights and interests, and supporting efforts to increase their representation and voice in international affairs. In that regard, it is time for Nepali leaders to rework on all unfair treaties with India under China’s mediation. Also, China should be made aware of the right of landlocked country to get access to all possible alternate routes of sea other than the monopolized Calcutta Port of Authority in India. Nepali government has been clamoring for the access to Bangladesh through the northeast chicken neck also known as Phulbari Corridor but Indian government has remained adamant about it. In contrast, China has already agreed to expand the existing Araniko Highway and opening up more alternatives routes including railway line to Kathmandu. China, however, should also be made aware of the blatant interference of India in Nepal’s internal affairs. If China remains in a dormant defensive mode and turns a blind eye to foreign invaders interfering with Nepali internal affairs, it itself will invite a great threat as Tibet has always been an Achilles heel to destabilize China.

(Gajurel, a Ph.D. in computer engineering from Case Western Reserve University, USA, works as Computational Scientist at the same university. Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. )

Sanjaya Gajurel, a Ph.D. in computer engineering from Case Western Reserve University, USA, works as Computational Scientist at the same university. His article with the name “China’s Role in Nepal is Paramount”on the, the most important leading English news website in Nepalhas already attracted enormous attention from Nepali society, receiving 3,000 plus hits .

He convincingly illustrates that China has always respected Nepal’s sovereignty, independence, and territorial integrity by providing selfish aid and support while strictly adhering to the principle of non-interference, has never meddled with the internal affairs of Nepal. In contrast to China, India has flagrantly and aggressively stuck their noses in almost all socio-political matters of Nepal by flaunting their power, and Indian government had played its trump cards to get whatever they wanted from Nepal.




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