加德满都大学复课 Classes resume in KU

作者: 时间:2020-01-29 点击数:

Classes resume in KU

Source:   Rising Nepal , 2020 January 29, page 3

By Our Correspondent
Kavre, Jan.28 Kathmandu  University  (KU)  has resumed its classes from Tuesday after the professors and staffers of the university  agreed  to  operate  classes  immediately.
Employees and professors had locked  down  the  university  since  January  1,  2020,  stating  that  the  KU  administration  had  repeatedly  failed  to  implement  the  previous  agreements.
Chairman  of  the  protesting  Professor Union Bedmani Dahal said that  the  university  had  resumed  its  classes.
But the padlocking of the offices of Vice-Chancellor and the Registrar will continue till the implementation of the agreement, he informed.
Earlier,  the  protesting  group  had  locked  down  the  university  from  August  8  to  September  16,  2019.  
During  the  time,  a  four-point  agreement  was  made  to  end  the  padlocking.  The  same  group  had  locked  down  the  University  asking  the  implementation  of  an  earlier  agreement. During  that  time,  the  KU  had  agreed  with  the  Professor's  Union  and  the  Employees'  Union  to  give  official recognition to them, to have their representatives in the university meetings,  to  investigate  economic  and policy corruption and to develop an instinct.
Vice-Chancellor of Kathmandu University,  Prof.  Dr.  Ramakantha  Makaju  said  that  implementation  of  the  agreement  with  the  agitating  parties was underway

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