The MCC is currently being repurposed as a U.S. tool to counter China. I'm not making this up, Vice President Mike Pence said it himself, I quote: "The Millennium Challenge Corporation is part of the Indo-Pacific Treaty designed to counter China." Want to know what actual "debt trap" looks like?
MCC目前被重新用作美国对抗中国的工具。这不是我编的,美国前副总统迈克·彭斯自己说的,我引用他的话: “千禧年挑战公司(MCC)是旨在对抗中国的印太条约(印太战略)的一部分。” 想知道真正的“债务陷阱”是什么样子的吗?
This is article 7.1 of the agreement between the MCC, a U.S. Government foreign aid agency, and Nepal to grant $500 million to the country.
It states that the agreement will "prevail over the domestic laws of Nepal"
It also has various other clauses which seriously call into question Nepal's sovereignty such as these which states that the agreement will be terminated if the Nepalese Government "is engaged in activities that are contrary to the national security interests of the U.S."
MCC协议中还有许多其他条款,严重质疑尼泊尔的主权,比如其中规定,如果尼泊尔政府 “从事违反美国国家安全利益的活动”,协议将被终止。
And of course, if termination there is, the U.S. will ask for a refund "plus interest" and it cannot use "MCC Funding, proceeds thereof or Progam Assets to make such payment".
It needs to find the funds elsewhere which, for a poor country like Nepal, is not exactly easy...
In short, if the U.S. gives you money, you need to behave in a way consistent with U.S. national security interests and abide by U.S. policy...
If you don't, we'll ask you for hundreds of millions of dollars which you can't afford.
You are, effectively, trapped.
The MCC (Millennium Challenge Corporation) has an interesting history: it was created in 2004 under President George Bush with the purpose of preventing terrorism in the post-9/11 era by attempting to use American aid to ensure "stable governments" around the world.
So we have a U.S. agency that gives money to countries with the stated goal of countering China and clauses that force them to act in "U.S. national security interests". If they don't, they need to pay money they can't afford.
And China is the one using "debt trap diplomacy"?
This is the real reason behind the MCC is actively pursuing smaller countries mean to say grassroots level to deny China.
It is indeed. They can practically murder someone and get scot free.
They can actually do this again and we can't stop like the last time.
推文中的照片系尼泊尔陆军中校沙特奇·萨姆舍·拉纳(Satchit Samsher Rana )在木斯塘(Mustang)参加清剿达赖反叛武装。《共和国报》2019年6月22日发表的A forgotten history (https://myrepublica.nagariknet work.com/news/a-forgotten-history/)一文介绍了尼泊尔王国军队剿灭达赖反叛武装四水六岗卫教军的经过。作者普莱姆·辛格·巴斯内特(Prem Singh Basnyat),是尼泊尔军队的退役准将,军事史博士,著有关于尼泊尔军事和政治史的书籍,并在尼泊尔和国外的大学担任访问讲师。他也是尼泊尔博物馆协会的主席。