
作者: 时间:2015-11-26 点击数:



第一智库 共识网






将来有一天,印度总理纳伦德拉·莫迪可能会看到印度旅游业发布这样的广告:“欢迎来印度攀登珠穆朗玛峰!”[①]。无人反对一个政治人物想要成为 “伟大”总理的心愿。莫迪一年前来访时在尼泊尔议会发表演讲曾使尼泊尔人着迷[②],但是他为了实现自己的雄心壮志, 现在已经成为加害尼泊尔的人。


印度独立后的第一位总理贾瓦哈拉尔·尼赫鲁(Jawaharlal Nehru)主导印度正式通过了一部世俗宪法。他的副总理萨达尔·瓦拉巴伊·帕特尔(Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel)把所有土邦都整合到了印度联邦。很显然本来也想要把尼泊尔包括进去。然而尼赫鲁不喜欢尼泊尔第一位民主选举产生的首相比·普·柯伊拉腊(BP Koirala)[③]。其兄马特立卡·普拉萨德·柯伊拉腊(Matrika Prasad Koirala)[④]写道,尼赫鲁曾鼓动尼泊尔马亨德拉(Mahendra)国王撤掉比·普·柯伊拉腊,但不要解散议会。马亨德拉国王解除了比·普·柯伊拉腊的首相职务,还解散了议会。尼赫鲁反感比·普·柯伊拉腊,意味着尼泊尔的民主将面临夭折。尼赫鲁从中国领导人毛泽东那里得到应有的报应,1962年中国打败了印度。马尼莎(Manisha)在她所著的《印度总理个人档案》(Profiles of Indian Prime Ministers)一书中写道,印度的战败削弱了尼赫鲁。

尼赫鲁的女儿英迪拉•甘地(Indira Gandhi)帮助孟加拉从巴基斯坦分裂出来,朝向“伟大”迈开了第一步。马尼莎写道,“1971年为期14天的印巴战争之后,英迪拉· 甘地的形象变得高大了…..阿塔尔•比哈里•瓦杰帕伊(Atal Behari Vajpayee)[⑤]把英迪拉·甘地称为‘杜尔迦女神’(‘Goddess Durga’)[⑥]”。 然而,这位“女神”很快就开始实现她的另一个雄心——吞并锡金。

莫迪从少年时就是(印度教右翼团体)国民志愿团(印地语音译Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh ,简称RSS, 英语译名为National Volunteer Organization,或National Patriotic Organization)成员,他因不公开反对强硬的印度教团体而受到谴责。2002年古吉拉特邦(Gujarat)骚乱导致2000多穆斯林死亡,时任首席部长莫迪受到广泛指责。最近一位印度穆斯林被控屠牛而被处以私刑杀害,莫迪的反应也受到国际社会的谴责。印度一些著名人物对印度社会越来越不宽容深感不满,把他们所获的奖项交还政府以示抗议。


20世纪70年代初,印度调查分析局(The Indian Research and Analysis Wing,简称Raw,系印度情报机构)告诉英迪拉·甘地,印度可以在24小时内接管锡金。虽然印度调查分析局很早之前就已经开始这项工作,但只是在1973年才真正开始接管锡金的进程。印度驻锡金大使比·艾斯·达斯(BS Das)在《大使的俱乐部》(Ambassador’s Club)这本书里对印度吞并锡金进行了令人恐惧的描述。达斯大使带着英迪拉·甘地接管锡金的明确命令前往锡金。构成锡金人口75%的尼泊尔移民并非都赞成与印度合并,但是锡金末代首相卡齐·楞度普·道尔吉(Kazi Lhendup Dorji)及其盟友赞成与印度合并。印度军队接管了锡金的警察局,并把锡金警察控制在警所内。达斯写道,“锡金法王(Chogyal)与道尔吉1973年5月8日签署了著名的协议,印度是该协议的保证人。印度不但没有保护法王的王朝,后来还成为合法的篡位者。”

达斯大使提醒锡金法王,锡金从来没有独立过,法王只是“印度土邦王公议事委员会(the Chamber of Princes of India)的成员兼印度军队的名誉少将,……是全印度政治体制的一部分”。而且法王还犯了一个很糟糕的错误,去参加尼泊尔国王的加冕典礼,还与中国人接触!

法王为了挽救其王国的独立和即将到来的大选,在全国各地巡回演讲。人们把鞋子与他的画像绑在一起来羞辱他。在国会总共32席位中,法王的民族党(Nationalist Party)只赢得1席。达斯大使担任总督,宣读了法王的就职演说。锡金国会要求罢黜法王,与印度合并。(印度主导的锡金)全民公决支持罢黜法王和与印度合并这两项诉求。这样,印度就可以“合法地”宣称锡金人民投票支持与印度合并。


印度调查分析局在尼泊尔的活动一直如其在锡金一样活跃。与卡齐·楞度普·道尔吉赞同锡金与印度合并一样,我们的马德西领导人也一直在要求“一个马德西,单独一个邦”( ‘One Madhes, one Pradesh’)。如果马德西被允许单独建邦,将会使像目前对尼泊尔的封锁和特莱与我们的南方邻国印度合并这样的事变非常容易实现。这么做,马德西的主要领导人可能会担任一届印度由合并特莱而产生的新邦的总督,然后就被扔进垃圾桶。前印度驻尼泊尔大使拉凯士·苏德(Rakesh Sood)写道,在他参加一次的会议上,我们的领导人曾答应马德西人建立一个自治邦。

在我们短视的领导人的邀请下,所有的印度驻尼泊尔大使都超越了他们的授权。我们的领导人们向印度大使们乞求包括让他们的孩子获得奖学金等在内的恩惠。苏希尔·柯伊拉腊(Sushil Koirala)违背他对尼泊尔共产党(联合马列)(CPN-UML)的诺言,第二次成为竞选总理的候选人,据报道也是因为印度要求他这么做;(正在举行抗议新宪法活动的)马德西领导人放弃在印度拉克绍尔(Raxaul)宾馆的免费餐来加德满都为他投票。

如果尼泊尔或者特莱成为另一个锡金,自特里布文(Tribhuvan)以后的尼泊尔国王和后来的“民主的”尼泊尔领导人将应该受到责备。即使像约旦国王侯赛因(Hussein)这样仁慈的独裁者,我们的国王们本来也能够采取措施开发我国巨大的水电资源潜力,以使印度不能够使用当前的汽油-柴油禁运来窒息我们。然而,国王们玩弄权术,使一个党反对另一个党,造成尼泊尔永远依赖印度。我们的“民主的”领导人也没有比国王们做得更好,他们躲藏在印度开启了无用的十年战争,下令炸毁我们的水力发电厂,或者与恶棍查瑞(Chari) 和盖因特(Ghainte)[⑦]并肩站在一起,把他们自己的口袋排成队(来勒索钱财)。


Lessons of history

If Nepal were to become another Sikkim, our past kings and leaders should be blamed

- Dr Ramesh Khatry

Nov 20, 2015- “Welcome to India and climb Mt Everest!” Some day, the Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi would like to see India’s tourism industry issuing such advertisements. No one can object to a politician’s desire to make a name as a ‘great’ prime minister. But to fulfil his ambition, Modi, the enchanter of Nepalis a year ago, has now become their persecutor.


Jawaharlal Nehru, as the first prime minister of independent India, guided the nation in adopting a secular constitution. His deputy Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel integrated all the princely states into the Indian Union, and apparently wanted to include Nepal as well. However, Nehru did not like Nepal’s first democratically elected prime minister BP Koirala. His elder brother Matrika has written that Nehru had encouraged king Mahendra to remove BP, but not dissolve Parliament. Mahendra did both. Nehru’s dislike for BP meant Nepal’s democracy faced an early death. Nehru got his just deserts from Chinese leader Mao when China defeated India in 1962. In her book, Profiles of Indian Prime Ministers, its author Manisha has written that the Indian defeat had crippled Nehru.

For Nehru’s daughter Indira Gandhi, the first step towards ‘greatness’ occurred when she played an important role in helping Bangladesh split from Pakistan. Manisha writes, “Indira Gandhi became taller in her stature after the 14-day Indo-Pakistan war in December 1971…Atal Behari Vajpayee called Indira Gandhi ‘Goddess Durga’.” However, the ‘goddess’ soon started working on her other ambition—annexing Sikkim.

Having been a member of Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) from his early youth, Modi has also been condemned for not speaking out against the hardline Hindu group. Modi, as the chief minister of Gujarat, was also greatly criticised for his role in the 2002 Gujarat riots where over 2,000 muslims were killed. His late reaction to the recent lynching of an Indian muslim accused of cow slaughter was also condemned internationally. Disappointed at the growing intolerance in Indian society, prominent Indian figures have also returned their awards to the government in protest.

Annexation of Sikkim

The Indian Research and Analysis Wing (Raw) had told Indira Gandhi in the early 1970s that India could take over Sikkim within 24 hours. Although Raw had started its work long ago, the process began in earnest in 1973. In the book Ambassador’s Club, BS Das has given a chilling account of Sikkim’s annexation. Ambassador Das went to Sikkim with Gandhi’s clear order to take over the government. Among the Nepalis who make up 75 percent of its population, not all favoured annexation with India; but Kazi Lhendup Dorji and his allies did. The Indian army had already taken over Sikkim’s police stations and confined the police to barracks. Das writes, “The famous agreement of 8 May 1973 between him [Chogyal] and Kazi Lhendup Dorji, with India as a guarantor, for maintaining his dynasty and providing justice to all ethnic elements, sealed the Chogyal’s fate.” India first became a guarantor and then a “legal” usurper because it did not protect the Chogyal’s dynasty.

Ambassador Das reminded the Chogyal that Sikkim was never independent. Rather, the Chogyal “was a member of the Chamber of Princes of India and an honorary major general of the India Army, …a part of the overall Indian political system.” Also, he had made the terrible mistake of going to the coronation of Nepal’s king and contacting the Chinese!

To save his kingdom’s independence and win the impending election, the Chogyal toured his country. People insulted him and tied shoes to his portraits. The Chogyal’s Nationalist Party consisting won one seat out of 32. Ambassador Das, who now acted as the governor, read out the Chogyal’s inaugural address. The Sikkim Congress demanded the removal of the Chogyal and the country’s merger with India. A referendum supported both. Thus, India could claim ‘legally’ that the people of Sikkim had voted for the merger.

Parallels and lessons

Raw has always been active in Nepal as it was in Sikkim. As Kazi Lhendup Dorji favoured annexation with India, our Madhesi leaders have been demanding ‘One Madhes, one Pradesh’, which, if granted, will make incidents like the present blockade and a merger of the Tarai with our southern neighbour easy. The main Madhesi leader doing so could become the governor of the resulting new Indian state for a term, and then be thrown into the dustbin. A former Indian ambassador to Nepal, Rakesh Sood, has written that he was at a meeting where our political leaders had promised an autonomous state to the Madhesis.

All Indian ambassadors have gone beyond their mandate at the invitation of our short-sighted leaders, who begged them for favours including scholarships for their children. Sushil Koirala, breaking his promise to the CPN-UML, became a prime ministerial candidate for the second time reportedly because India asked him to do so; and the agitating Madhesi leaders abandoned free meals at their Raxaul hotels to cast their votes for him.

If Nepal or the Tarai were to become another Sikkim, kings from Tribhuvan onwards and ‘democratic’ leaders will have to take the blame. Even as benevolent dictators like Jordan’s Hussein, our kings could have taken steps to develop the country’s enormous hydropower potential so that India could not have choked us with the present petrol-diesel embargo. Rather, the kings played one party off against another, and kept Nepal ever dependent on India. Our ‘democrats’ fared no better by starting a futile 10-year war while hiding in India, and ordering the bombing of our hydroelectric plants or siding with crooks like Chari and Ghainte to line their own pockets.

As for the Indian interference, Modi would do well to remember that things have never gone well for India whenever it has interfered in the affairs of other countries.

Khatry holds a PhD from Oxford University, UK and is executive director of the Association for Theological Education in Nepal

Published: 20-11-2015 08:42


[①] 原文为Mt Everest,一般译为埃佛勒斯峰, 是西方对珠穆朗玛峰的称谓。为避免陷入西方话语的陷阱,译文采用中文通用称谓。——译注

[②] 印度总理莫迪在就任之后于2014年8月3日至4日访问尼泊尔,在尼泊尔制宪会议发表演讲时说:“I want to hit Nepal.” “ Nepal needs ‘HIT’ - Highways - Infoways - Transways and we will support you in all these.”表示印度希望帮助尼泊尔建设基础设施,赢得尼泊尔制宪会议成员的热烈欢呼,也广受尼泊尔民众称赞。——译注

[③] 全名为比什维什瓦尔·普拉萨德·柯伊拉腊(Bishweshwar Prasad Koirala),一般简称为BP Koirala。位于尼泊尔中南部纳拉亚尼专区(Narayani Zone)奇特旺(Chitwan)县巴拉特普尔(Bharatpur)市,由中国援建的纪念柯伊拉腊肿瘤医院( B.P. Koirala Memorial Cancer Hospital)就是以其命名的。——译注

[④] 原文为“他的兄长马特立卡”( His elder brother Matrika),为避免发生歧义和误解,此处将其全名译出。

[⑤] 阿塔尔•比哈里•瓦杰帕伊,是印度人民党的创始人,也是第一位担任印度总理的印度教右翼团体国民志愿团成员,现任总理纳伦德拉·莫迪也是国民志愿团成员。——译注

[⑥] 杜尔迦女神(‘Goddess Durga’),Durga在梵语中意为不可战胜的(invincible),也称为难近母女神,是湿婆(Shiva)神的妻子雪山女神帕尔瓦蒂(Parvati)的多种形象之一,性力派崇拜的主神之一。难近母女神这个名字源自她消灭罗刹(Rakshasa),难于接近。据印度史诗《罗摩衍那》(Ramayana)记载,她的主要功绩是帮助罗摩(Rama)神,消灭了许多凶残的罗刹,于第十日战胜罗刹王,取得胜利。在印度和尼泊尔她作为降魔女神而受崇拜,后来又被佛教吸收为护法神。中文文献中,印度的十胜节(印地语音译Dussehra)和尼泊尔的德赛节(尼泊尔语音译Dashain)其实是印度教的同一个节日,Dussehra和Dashain的字面意思都是第十日的胜利(the Victory on the Tenth (day)),纪念罗摩在杜尔迦女神帮助下在第十日战胜罗刹王。——译注

[⑦] 查瑞和盖因特是尼泊尔臭名昭著的恶棍,查瑞真名是迪尼斯·阿迪卡里(Dinesh Adhikari) ,2014年8月8日被警察射杀。盖因特真名是库马尔·施雷斯塔(Kumar Shrestha),2015年8月20日被尼泊尔警方击毙。

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